I am a Ph.D. Statistics candidate supervised by Benjamin Bloem-Reddy at the University of British Columbia. I am interested in the uses of symmetry in inference and computation, and I am working on methods for identifying distributional symmetries from data with applications to statistics, machine learning, and scientific discovery.
Within the Department of Statistics. I TA for and teach undergraduate statistics courses, train new TAs in the department, and assist with Flexible Learning studies that develop learning resources for statistics. Outside of the department, I facilitate Instructional Skills Workshops for graduate students and TA Institute workshops at the CTLT.
See my CV for a complete history of my activities and experiences.
Randomization Tests for Conditional Group Symmetry [arXiv] [code]
K. Chiu, Alex Sharp, B. Bloem-Reddy
Hypothesis Tests for Distributional Group Symmetry with Applications to Particle Physics [workshop] [poster] [code]
K. Chiu, B. Bloem-Reddy
NeurIPS 2023 AI for Science Workshop
On the Statistical Properties of Entromin as an Orthogonal Rotation Criterion [M.Sc. thesis] [code]
K. Chiu
Uncertainty in Neural Processes [arXiv]
S. Naderiparizi, K. Chiu, B. Bloem-Reddy, F. Wood
Sessional Lecturer
2024W1: STAT 306 - Finding Relationships in Data
Graduate Student Facilitator
Centre for Teaching, Learning and Technology
July 2023 - Present
TA Trainer
UBC Department of Statistics
Sep 2021 - Present
Graduate TA
2023W2: STAT 305 - Introduction to Statistical Inference
2023W1: STAT 404 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
2022W2: STAT 305 - Introduction to Statistical Inference
2022W1: STAT 404 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
2021W2: STAT 305 - Introduction to Statistical Inference
2021W1: STAT 404 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
2020W2: STAT 305 - Introduction to Statistical Inference
2020W1: STAT 404 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
2019W2: SCIE 300 - Communicating Science
2019W1: STAT 404 - Design and Analysis of Experiments
Ph.D. Statistics
The University of British Columbia
2021 - Present
M.Sc. Statistics
The University of British Columbia
2019 - 2021
B.Sc. Combined Honours in Computer Science and Statistics
The University of British Columbia
2013 - 2018
This page summarizes my thoughts about the courses I took during my B.Sc. UBC undergraduate students who are interested in statistics, machine learning or data science may find it to be of interest.